This episode originally aired on May 15, 2020. We’ll be back with new episodes starting next week, September 11, 2020. On this week’s episode of #33Tangents, Jim and Jason are joined by Matt Barnett, CEO and founder of Bonjoro. Bonjoro is a...
In March, many people were thrown into it never having done it before. 5 months later, companies that were hesitant about letting employees work remotely are now becoming more amenable to it. What are some of the common pitfalls of working remotely...
On this week’s episode of 33 Tangents, Jim and Jason catch up on current events and recent announcements in digital analytics. Items we mentioned Google announces server-side tagging in Google Tag Manager Subscribe & Review Are you subscribed to...
In 2006 Avinash published his 90/10 rule for success in web analytics: for every $10 a company spent on analytics technology, they should spend $90 on people to use it. His argument was that while companies had “great investements” in analytics they...
The quality of data collected is often an afterthought until there is a problem and at that point it’s too late. On this week’s episode of 33 Tangents, Jim and Jason are joined by Eric Richter, a strategic consultant and data integrity expert. Eric...
“Mountains should be climbed with as little effort as possible and without desire. The reality of your own nature should determine the speed. If you become restless, speed up. If you become winded, slow down. You climb the mountain in an equilibrium...