We’ve all seen this, heck it may have even been us at times in our career. You have a really smart person who is amazing at their job. They are promoted into a leadership position and they fall flat on their face. They are inept as a manager and the...
The business world is often thought of as cold and calculating. The only purpose employees serve is to make widgets and check items off a list. When push comes to shove, employees are cut loose when finances are tight. Employees are scared to reach...
Below is a recent LinkedIn Post from Jason: I see a pretty consistent lack of transparency and honesty in business. Perhaps it’s because i’m exposed to it more on the sales side, where there is a lot of hidden meaning to the words being...
In previous episode and through social media posts, we’ve made no secret of how we are proponents of working remotely. With anything, however, there are pros and there are cons. We’ve had previous episodes where we’ve talked about the benefits of...
In previous episodes we’ve talked about how the average tenure in the digital analytics space is 18 months. That means as a hiring manager, you’re bound to have times when an employee decides to move on and your reaction to it makes all the...
As we’re now in summer, many American workers are taking vacations to spend time with family and friends. There will be just as many who won’t be taking any vacation. Research published last year by Kimble Applications showed that 47% of those...